My students are OBSESSED with ROBOTS this year!!!!
And I knew I needed a hallway display before parent/teacher conferences....
I decided to go with this.
I was inspired by...
The Morning Meeting Book - Introduction
Thursday, July 6, 2017
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Hello! If you're reading this blog post than you are interested in learning more about Morning Meetings. I consider these posts to be the cliff notes to the book The Morning Meeting...
Sunday, February 5, 2017
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Guys!!!! I'm so excited about the 100th day of school this year!!!!
This is my first year teaching full day K (I'm piloting a full day K program with three other teachers this year) and so I took...
End of the Year Teacher Gift
Thursday, May 26, 2016
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I couldn't wait for my kids to be in school so I could show their teachers how much they mean to me. I know how much a small gift can lift my spirits, so when my daughter started preschool I couldn't...
Teacherpreneur Tips and Takeaways from the TPT Meet Up PART 1
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Guys!!!! This newbie went to the Northeastern Regional TpT Meet-Up in Rochester, NY last weekend. I am so incredibly happy that I took the leap and attended my first Teachers Pay Teachers...
Five for Friday {We had a Lot of Fun this Week!}
Friday, February 26, 2016

I'm so excited for Five for Friday this week!
Thanks for hosting this weekly linky, Doodle Bugs Teaching!!!
After a TON of testing and SNOW DAYS, I feel like we are finally back...
Five For Friday!! Love and Birthdays...
Friday, February 19, 2016

It's time for Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs Teaching!!
I guess I have a theme this week....birthdays and families.
Happy Birthday to me!!
My two little ones decorated...